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Granisit® XF Speed

GRANISIT® XF Speed is a phosphate bonded, graphite free and very fine grain precision investment for partial denture frameworks. It is usable for the conventional and speed casting technique and is suitable for casting all types of dental alloys.

  • super fine grain size, creamy consistency
  • perfect fitting, very smooth casting surfaces, excellent reproduction of details
  • easy divesting

Granisit® XF Speed should be used with SILADENT type 100 liquid!


Our safety data sheets and application instructions in PDF format:

  Material safety data sheet Granisit® XF Speed

  Application instructions Granisit® XF Speed

Processing time in minutes
Setting time in minutes
Setting expansion %
Compressive strength, after 1 hour(MPa)
Compressive strength, dry (MPa)
102310 Granisit® XF Speed 5,0 kg carton (28 x 180 g)
102312 Granisit® XF Speed 20 kg carton (50 x 400 g)
102311 Granisit® XF Speed 20 kg carton (112 x 180 g)