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DDpeek MED natural

DD peek MED is the ideal combination of biocompatibility and ultimate strength.

Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) has a modulus of elasticity similar to human bone and is thus extremely wear-resistant. These attributes have made it a highly sought-after material in surgical endoprosthetics. Compared with titanium implants, stress peaks at the interface to the bones are reduced. Dental constructions also benefit from this property. This reduces the load on screw and adhesive bonds of the dental prosthesis as well. An ideal material for heavily load-bearing indications. Its total biocompatibility underscores the material through its inert property against body fluids.


  • For allergy patients suitable
  • Free from Monomer and Metal
  • Extremely loadable
  • Gingiva and tooth shades for Implant substructures
Our safety data sheets and application instructions in PDF format:

  Material safety data sheet DDpeek MED natural

Processing time in minutes
Setting time in minutes
Setting expansion %
Compressive strength, after 1 hour(MPa)
Compressive strength, dry (MPa)
255500 DDpeek MED natural, Ø 98,5 mm, H 14 mm
255501 DDpeek MED natural, Ø 98,5 mm, H 16 mm
255502 DDpeek MED natural, Ø 98,5 mm, H 18 mm
255503 DDpeek MED natural, Ø 98,5 mm, H 20 mm
255504 DDpeek MED natural, Ø 98,5 mm, H 23 mm