DD BioSplint Flex, Ø 98.5 mm, H 20 mm

  • High flexibility combined with high impact strength 
  • Very good polishability

  • Bonding to conventional polymers possible

  • No risk of fracture – splint fractures almost excluded 
  • High chemical resistance (IPA, medical disinfectants, oncological drugs)

  • Improved patient comfort

Polyethylenterephthalat-Glycol (PET-G) 


DD Bio Splint FLEX are transparent dental milling blanks made of PETG, for the manufacture of flexible splints, therapeutic splints, bite regulators and drilling templates, for short-term use in the oral cavity of up to 30 days.

Our safety data sheets and application instructions in PDF format:

  Material safety data sheet DD BioSplint Flex, Ø 98.5 mm, H 20 mm

Processing time in minutes
Setting time in minutes
Setting expansion %
Compressive strength, after 1 hour(MPa)
Compressive strength, dry (MPa)
REF 255492