Zirkon BioStar PrePolisher

Silicon-based polishing burs for milled zirconium structures previous to sintering.
The zirconium structures can be polished and trimmed easily due to its still soft condition.Margens can be smoothed and pontics shaped.
Zirkon BioStar Prepolishers are free of colour pigments which avoids unwanted staining. Due to their soft silicone bonding, they are especially adecuate for the also soft consistency of the structures and adapt perfectly to the objects.
Dark grey = 1. grade: Cutting, stripping and shaping
Light grey = 2. grade: High gloss polish

RD = wheel, KG = disc

Our safety data sheets and application instructions in PDF format:

Processing time in minutes
Setting time in minutes
Setting expansion %
Compressive strength, after 1 hour(MPa)
Compressive strength, dry (MPa)
252803 PrePolisher KG fine
252802 PrePolisher RD fine