TITAN BioStar w. Shoulder Grade 5

Biocompatible pure titanium grade 5 milling blank for porcelain fused to metal (PFM) techniques, DIN EN ISO 22674, type 4. Indications cover multiple units constructions both in frontal and lateral areas, including milled designes. Titan BioStar Grade 5 allows for easy laser welding and can be fired using all usual porcelain indicated for titanium.


Processing time in minutes
Setting time in minutes
Setting expansion %
Compressive strength, after 1 hour(MPa)
Compressive strength, dry (MPa)
128260 Titan BioStar °5 with shoulder Ø 98.5 mm, H 08 mm
128262 Titan BioStar °5 with shoulder Ø 98.5 mm, H 12 mm
128261 Titan BioStar °5 with shoulder Ø 98.5 mm, H 10 mm
128263 Titan BioStar °5 with shoulder Ø 98.5 mm, H 13,5 mm
128264 Titan BioStar °5 with shoulder Ø 98.5 mm, H 15 mm
128265 Titan BioStar °5 with shoulder Ø 98.5 mm, H 18 mm
128266 Titan BioStar °5 with shoulder Ø 98.5 mm, H 20 mm