About us
Who we are
As an innovative and independent company in the dental industry, we have acquired a great deal of technical competence associated with distinctive quality products. We want to maintain and cultivate this.
What we do
As we co-operate closely with Dr. Böhme & Schöps Dental GmbH, Goslar, Germany, the renowned gypsum specialists, we are able to supply specific gypsums for the complete range of applications required by …
What we offer
The SILADENT Dr. Böhme & Schöps GmbH Service department has been expanded to keep abreast of our technical products. Specialized training provides the answer to any question.
SILADENT-TECHNIK GmbH and Dr. Böhme & Schöps GmbH have been working closely together since 1997 and are now consolidating their highly successful collaboration by forming a joint company.